Monday, April 26, 2010


exapmle:The simpsons relating to a biblical term into something comical.
definition:passing casual referance.


example:an example would be"SHE IS SO MEAN TO ME"That makes you think the author is yelling and the mood is anger.
Definition:the tone of the authors voice.


example:Time was running away.
Defintion:when you give an object that is not living human qualities.


memo is my name (a)
and football is my game.(a)
johnny is the best(b)
and better than the rest(b)

Definition:a term/word that sounds similar.


Example:Roses are red
violets are blue
she has a big head
and so do you.

Definition:a stanza or poem of four lines w/ alternate rhymes.


Definition:Comparing an object that is not literal.

ex.She stabbed me in the back.


definition:Comparing two terms using "Like" or "As".
example:My dad is as big as a house.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


The definition of imagery isthe formation of mental images, figures, or likenesses of things, or of such images collectively

An example of imagery is: The dim imagery of a dream(Imagery is originated from Image)